Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station


RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Capture excellent photos of your RC chip samples while keeping things simple and budget-friendly.
  • RC Chip Tray Imaging Station

Product Features

Built specifically for chip trays

Just place your RC chip tray on the adjustable positioning bar, adjust the camera up or down as you prefer, and click away. Lighting is inbuilt so photos are consistent and high-quality regardless whoever takes the photos.

Easily integrated with geological image software for seamless data management

Whether you decide to take close-up photos (2 compartments at a time) or more zoomed out pictures (4-5 compartments at a time), stitching the photos together won’t be a problem when used with a geological image software such as Imago. Cataloguing core photo files and sharing them with your colleagues near or far will also be a breeze.

Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Discoverer RC Chip Tray Imaging Station
Geologists from all over the world

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