Tried. Tested. Proven.

Discoverer® is the only Core Tray in the world that has been thoroughly tested by Independent
NATA & ISO-Accredited Plastics Laboratory, ExcelPlas. 


Purchase with confidence

When Discoverer made the switch to manufacturing the Core Trays from repurposed recycled plastic, we needed assurance that this product would last just as long as our original Virgin Plastic Tray that has been proven in the elements since 1993.

Following a robust QC Testing Process, by Australia's pre-eminent NATA & ISO Accredited Plastics Lab ExcelPlas, Discoverer® is the only Core Tray on the global market that has undergone this rigorous independent testing.

flat 2
Discoverer Series 2 Gray Stack 10 high 1 1

Easiest win for your ESG

Miners and Explorers are finding using a Recycled Plastic Core Tray is a huge win for their ESG strategy, and probably one of the easiest changes to make with a tangible impact. Save tonnes of recycled plastic from entering landfill, while using a core tray proven to withstand the elements and retain the integrity of your valuable core.

By using Discoverer, you're looking after
the Earth while drilling the Earth.

Absolute peace of mind guaranteed.

Geologists from all over the world

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